Career Articles

Resume writing tips, career advice and interview strategies to help you get the job you want!

Think you’re not good enough for that job interview? Think again. [VIDEO]

My daunting experience!

I want to share an experience I had today that I found very, very daunting. It’s not something that I have done very often but I had a photo shoot. I’d been looking at my online profile and thinking…

“Oh, that is so old, I need to do something about it.”

So, I bit the bullet and I organised it and I went, and I have to admit, I found it very confronting and very emotional.

I didn’t think I was good enough or looked good enough. No value, no self-worth! By the end of the photo shoot – because of the brilliant way the photographer and her offsiders helped me through the process:

Why am I telling you this?

You might be wondering why I’m telling you this, and it’s because our clients often come to us feeling exactly the same. They don’t think they have any skills. They don’t think they have any value to offer. They say,

“I just do my job! I haven’t achieved anything!”

We hear this so often. As a consultant in the Careers Services, we try our hardest to take our clients through a process of questioning that brings out their skills, and we watch them. We watch their eyes light up and they think,

“Yes, I can do this, I’ve got the skills. I can apply for this job and they’re going to take notice.”

By the end of the process – when they get their resume or their cover letter or selection criteria – they are just blown away by the amount of experience and skills and achievements they actually have to offer.

Why we do this!

It is one of the most amazing things to watch and I’m sure you can relate to this in other areas of your life. I’d love to hear about your experiences. Put in a comment, share this video/article, message us on Facebook. I’d love to hear about your experiences that are similar to this one, and what you can offer as some advice for those who are following the page out there in Facebook land.

All right, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and I hope to see you back here soon, thank you for listening.

If you would like to know more about the author Kathryn Burke, click here.

Do you need help putting together a professional cover letter for your resume? 

Contact our Career Consultants at Résumés for Results TODAY to discuss how we can assist you. You can call us on 1800 155 895 or send us an email to find out more. 

 We also provide and specialise in cover letter writing, interview coaching and job search advice. 

We offer services across Australia, including all capital cities and regional areas. Resume Writers bring years of experience to the table, with a full range of career services available. Résumés for Results are here to assist you to succeed.

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